Fostering a hound
Calgary Basset Rescue does not have a rescue facility in which to board homeless hounds, instead we have to rely on people to open up their hearts and homes to our charges and let them stay until they find their Forever Home. Our network of fosters is vital to allow us to do the work we do, and we thank each and every one of them for the love and care that helps them to get ready for their very own families.
Calgary Basset Rescue covers all costs for any vet bills; all that is required of the foster parents is providing shelter, food, and love, and of course, foster parents are always given the first choice to adopt their hound if he or she is the perfect fit for their own family.
All fosters go through an interview with our foster team where we can chat about the process and get to know each other. The more loving, dedicated foster homes we have, the more hounds we can rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome; we often hear people say they don’t foster because it would be too hard to let their charges go, but without fosters many pets die in the shelter system due to over crowding.
All fosters admit it’s often hard to see their beloved charges head off to a new life, but it would be worse still to know that they died without ever having the second chance at life that they provided.